Brahms' Requiem

Saturday, Apr. 26, 2025
Daily, Times vary
Cost: $24.50 – $39.50
12625 SW Crescent St
Beaverton, OR 97005

The following description was submitted by the event organizer.

Portland Choir and Orchestra will perform Brahms’ Requiem for its second concert this season. A 150-member, non-profit organization, PCO performs music celebrating humankind’s rich heritage and uplifts the human spirit. Brahms’ Requiem is such a musical endeavor. The full name of the piece is Ein deutsches Requiem, nach Worten der heiligen Schrift, which in English means A German Requiem, to Words of the Holy Scriptures, Op. 45 by Johannes Brahms, although it is commonly referred to as simply Brahms’ Requiem. It is a large-scale work for chorus, orchestra, and soprano and baritone soloists in seven movements.

The lyrics are sacred text taken from scripture, but unlike other requiems, Brahms’ Requiem is non-liturgical, meaning that it does not follow the set pattern of the Latin requiems. It is also more humanistic than they, focusing on the living rather than the dead.

Baritone Stacey Murdock and Soprano Madison Barton-Holloway will be the guest soloists. The performances are being sponsored by Paul Hart in loving tribute to his wife, Jan Jacobsen, a local multi-media artist who passed away in late 2024. 

Audiences will want to get their tickets by April 12 to take advantage of the early bird pricing.

Upcoming Dates & Times

Saturday, Apr. 26
2 p.m.
Saturday, Apr. 26
7 p.m.