Portland Streetcar travels past the "Go By Streetcar" sign. Image credit Shubert Ciencia used here under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Portland_Streetcar#/media/File:Go_by_Streetcar_(Portland,_Oregon).jpg
Portland Sustainability Tour
The following description was submitted by the event organizer.
On this walking tour, participants will investigate a series of places, experiences and ideas that demonstrate Portland's commitment to sustainability, including Pioneer Courthouse Square, MAX light rail and the transit mall, LEED buildings, bioswales and ecoroofs, Jamison Square and Tanner Springs parks, Portland Streetcar, green streets, Biketown bike share, GoByBike, and more.
Pre-registration is required; a detailed outline of the tour route and itinerary will be provided to all registrants prior to the tour.