Travel Portland / Information for Local Businesses

Social Media Tips

These guidelines are designed to help Portland businesses that serve visitors maximize their presence, reach and impact across social media platforms.


screenshot of Travel Portland Instagram page with logos and images of places in and around Portland
Travel Portland on Instagram
  • Instagram, along with Facebook, is the best platform to share visual content, while keeping the copy short, sweet and to the point.
  • Whenever possible, include the geotag so people can search the location to find more content. Plus, don’t forget to tag other brands or businesses that are featured in your post. This will alert them that they were included and hopefully reshare it too!
  • Using 7–10 relevant hashtags on Instagram is a great way to spread your messages. Try these:
    • #pdxtogo
    • #YouCanInPortland
    • #PDX
    • #PDXNOW
    • #inPDX
    • #Portlandia
    • #dinePDX
    • #PDXeats
    • #PDXbeer
    • #travelportland
  • Instagram Stories:
    • Use #travelportland hashtags, tag your location, try out the interactive features like polls and questions, and cross-post your stories to Facebook!
    • Reshare your Instagram post as a story to drive awareness and traffic to your post.


screenshot of Travel Portland Facebook page with a colorful cover photo with fun graphics and a photo of a sunset outline of Mt. Hoo
Travel Portland on Facebook
  • On Facebook, always post with creative (image or video) or a link to an article that pulls good creative and a headline.
  • Facebook, along with Instagram, is the best platform to share visual content, while keeping the copy short, sweet and to the point.


screenshot of Travel Portland Twitter page with a colorful cover photo with fun graphics and a photo linking to an article on Vegan Food Carts in Portland
Travel Portland on Twitter
  • Twitter is the best platform to promote events, promotions and sales. Sending out multiple messages about one event works best on Twitter versus other platforms.


  • When posting on Pinterest, taller/vertically oriented photos look the best and really stand out in users’ feeds. Also, be sure that all of your pins are correctly linked back to relevant content either on your website or a related site.

Advertising & More

  • Investing even small amounts of money in advertising across platforms lets you target specific interests and demographics and reach people beyond your existing fan base.
  • Use Instagram, Twitter and Facebook messenger to contact Travel Portland with any questions about what to do in Portland!